Hello bloggers,

Today i am going to blog my reading create tasks, I have completed 3 create task for this week. the journal story chose is called painting the town.                                                                                        The journal story is about the aftermath of the 2011 christchurch earthquake. And how street artist from all over the world joined to make the ruined building into works of art.                          Anyways. The first create task i had to work on and complete is a fact file about street art and where it comes from. I put in 10 facts about street art. The first create task is here 👉. ART task

The second create task is a drawing based of your journal story which took me a while to complete since i was using poly line :/ But overall it was meh. the drawing i made or tried to make was a bunch of houses in front of a mountain. the third create task was a canva newspaper about of the christchurch art gallery exhibitions. the exhibition i worked on was called from here on the ground. Below will be my create tasks 1 and 2

From here on the ground by Jordan SMITH


One thought on “Create tasks

  1. You could’ve asked me for help :/
    Also, I wanna see the polyline artwork plz, just 2 see how hard it was.

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