More create tasks

Hello bloggers,

Today i am blogging more create tasks. i am only blogging the tasks that i was able to finish for this week. The journal i chose to read about is called the korero of the waka. The first create task i did is a flip video including ten facts from your journal story. the second create task is a kahoot plan including ten questions about your journal story.  I enjoyed both of the create tasks because the were quick and easy to do. the third create task was a video of you reading out two pages from your journal story with puntctuation and expression. my work is below.




Journal story video by Jordan SMITH

create tasks again

Hello bloggers,

this week i am blogging my create task for reading. the journal i chose for reading this week is called Bright light window decorations. this journal is going to be the base for my create task. the first create task ws using a canva to show facts that wrote down about your journal story. i made a video listing all the facts that i wrote down about my journal story the create task is below this paragraph.

Create task B by Jordan SMITH

Create tasks

Hello bloggers,

Today i am going to blog my reading create tasks, I have completed 3 create task for this week. the journal story chose is called painting the town.                                                                                        The journal story is about the aftermath of the 2011 christchurch earthquake. And how street artist from all over the world joined to make the ruined building into works of art.                          Anyways. The first create task i had to work on and complete is a fact file about street art and where it comes from. I put in 10 facts about street art. The first create task is here 👉. ART task

The second create task is a drawing based of your journal story which took me a while to complete since i was using poly line :/ But overall it was meh. the drawing i made or tried to make was a bunch of houses in front of a mountain. the third create task was a canva newspaper about of the christchurch art gallery exhibitions. the exhibition i worked on was called from here on the ground. Below will be my create tasks 1 and 2

From here on the ground by Jordan SMITH


W4 T2 reading create tasks

Hello bloggers today i will be blogging my reading create tasks for this week. my first create task is to make a Canva poster about a famous new Zealander my choice was sir peter Jackson who is a film director. this create task has to include facts about sir peter Jackson or the famous new Zealander you picked. i think that i could improve on the length of the facts but at the same time i think i did well on my create task. My work is below

The next create task was to make a diary for the famous new Zealander you chose. including the childhood of the new Zealander their key events in their life etc. i did a diary about Sir Peter Jackson. i included what inspired him the events in his early life that turned him into a film time i think i could be able to put in more quantity of work. my work is below my canva.


Inquiry create task 1 T2 W1

Hello internet today i am blogging the first create task for my inquiry work! for this create task you have to do a three two one chart to explain what you learnt from a video about flora which is what the topic of this week is the plant that i chose to make this chart about is the silver fern! anyways Bye!

W11 T1 maths

Hello internet and welcome to another blog post. today for math i made a diagonal line using the numicon shapes but  i also had to make it symmetrical on both sides and above is the finished product BYe!

Poetry must do swimming taskboard

Hello internet, welcome to another blog post and in today’s blog post i did a poetry investigation in my swimming task board i also did a poetry anthology chart which includes 2 types of poems which are going to be below the 2 poems were an i wish and a comparision poem. the 2 poems will be below my writing BUT REMEMBER its just a blog post..JORDANS BLOG POST

Vector art

Hello internet and welcome my another blog post today is not a normal reading math or other blog post this i for a vector art my vector art is about the character rick from portal (if you don’t know that is a game) he is a part of the ores which range from space core to intelligence core rick i the adventure core, so yea here’s the vector art(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧ But remember it just a blog post, JORDAN’S BLOG POST

Reading create task

Kiwiana toy by Jordan SMITH. Helloooooo interennnnnneeeeeet and this is my first blog post in a while so it is very poggers (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧ so i am writing about my first create task(-´ω`-) For this create task i made a poster about a kiwiana toy and it is very cool i made my kiwiana toy based off of a fantail!! So yep i listed the materials and thats it But remember it just a blog post AAA Jordan blog poooost(-w-)ノ